What is AccuTite?

What is AccuTite?

AccuTite is an innovative skin tightening treatment system produced by InMode®, the creators of FaceTite®. FaceTite technology uses radiofrequency energy applied through a wand beneath the surface of the skin to initiate tissue contraction, skin tightening and to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles.

The procedure is minimally-invasive and can be performed in an office visit with local anesthetic. AccuTite follows the same radiofrequency assisted methodology and treatment protocols, but the delivery wand is tiny compared to the one used in a FaceTite procedure. It treats hard to reach areas with pinpoint accuracy.

Which is better? FaceTite or AccuTite?

Because both procedures are identical except for the size of the delivery device, determining which is better is entirely based on the area(s) requiring treatment.

Where FaceTite is excellent for treating the lower cheeks, jawline and neck, the device is not suited for the most sensitive and smallest features of the face. AccuTite is the better choice for reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin or excess fat in the following areas:

  • Lower eyelids
  • Nasolabial folds
  • Jowls
  • Fat under the chin

Is AccuTite only for the face?

AccuTite is part of the Radiofrequency Assisted Lipo-coagulation (RFAL) family of technologies which include FaceTite and BodyTite®. When smaller areas of the body are targeted for fat reduction and skin tightening, AccuTite can treat the area with more accuracy than the larger BodyTite wand. Areas of the body that are indicated for AccuTite are:

  • Axilla (bra or back fat)
  • Upper arms
  • Abdominal etching
  • Inner Thighs
  • Knees

Is it painful?

This treatment is well-tolerated with a local or topical anesthetic applied to the treatment area and in some cases an oral sedation may be given. These measures ensure that you are comfortable throughout the procedure. A small, discreet incision will be made in the treatment site in order to insert the wand and deliver the radiofrequency energy into the treatment area. The results are visible immediately after treatment with the best results are noticeable after 6 weeks and continuing up to 12 months.

AccuTite before and after

I am I a good candidate?

AccuTite is safe and effective for all skin types. If you are looking to improve skin laxity and wrinkles on small areas of the face or body, you may be a candidate. A consultation with Chicago-native, Dr. Jacob Bloom is the best way to learn about the benefits of AccuTite.

Dr. Bloom is a board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive knowledge of non- surgical options for cosmetic improvement. If you are interested in learning more with Dr. Bloom, we encourage you to contact our office to schedule your consultation today. We look forward to hearing from you!