Rhinoplasty (Nose Surgery) Recovery

Recovery is a vital component in an intricate cosmetic surgery procedure such as rhinoplasty. The patient should be committed to following the surgeon’s post-op care instructions for a safe and sustainable recovery. Nose surgery results will continue to establish over several months as the swelling resolves gradually.

The patient should visit the surgeon for post-operative follow-up appointments as scheduled.

Impressive and reliable board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jacob Bloom provides rhinoplasty and various other cosmetic and reconstructive procedures of the face, body, and breast. During the initial consultation, Dr. Bloom will discuss all aspects of rhinoplasty, including the expected recovery. He provides nose surgery to patients in Chicago, IL, and surrounding communities across the horizon in The Prairie State.


Recovery Planning

To ensure a smooth recovery, the patient can take a few steps in advance. With methodical planning, the patient will have a better scope to focus completely on recovery and remain free of any stress. To have a more comfortable recovery following nose plastic surgery, the following steps should be considered:

  • Arrange in advance for someone who can drive the patient safely back home after the nose surgery.
  • Arrange for aftercare for a few days, if required, and particularly if the patient has little kids to look after.
  • Apply in advance for about one week’s leave from work, and be prepared for a second week of limited physical activity at work.
  • Stock up on pain meds, ice packs, extra pillows and other necessities at home.
  • Complete any pressing tasks at home or office well before the surgery in order to have a restful recovery.


Post-op Care Instructions

The final outcome in rhinoplasty will depend, among other things, on how well the patient follows the surgeon’s post-operative care instructions during the recovery phase. Discomfort and risk can be mitigated during recovery by following these tips:

  • Rest sufficiently at home during the first week, but perform short walks and light activities to promote blood flow.
  • Take pain meds only as prescribed, stay adequately hydrated, and eat a healthy, balanced diet rich in lean proteins.
  • To mitigate swelling, apply cold compresses in the first 48 hours.
  • Do not blow the nose in the first few days until the incisions have sufficiently healed.
  • Keep the head in a raised position while resting and make use of several pillows.
  • Refrain from smoking throughout the recovery phase and do not perform strenuous activities in the first month.


First Few Weeks

In the early recovery phase, the patient is likely to experience bruising, nosebleeds and mild headaches. If the symptoms are more severe or persistent, the patient should seek medical attention. The surgeon will monitor the progress around the end of first week. Nasal packing and sutures may be removed at this time.

From the second week, the bruising will resolve significantly but mild swelling will linger on for several weeks. Most patients can go back to their workplace after the first week. Fantastic and judicious cosmetic surgeon Dr. Bloom receives patients from Chicago, IL, and nearby areas for rhinoplasty.