
News, Events and Information

What is a Mommy Makeover?

Pregnancy and childbirth are a precious experience for any mother, but purely in physical terms, they can take a significant toll on her body. In recent years, mommy makeover has emerged as a popular cosmetic surgery procedure to restore a mom’s pre-pregnancy figure. It is a comprehensive procedure that will address the specific areas of Read more…

Questions to Ask Your Breast Augmentation Cosmetic Surgeon

Breast Augmentation  Breast augmentation is one of the major cosmetic surgery procedures that should be chosen after a careful deliberation. The patient should have a clear idea of the surgeon’s professional credentials and background, the type of surgical technique that will be used, the inherent risks and benefits involved, and the estimated recovery process after Read more…

Preparing for Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast Augmentation Surgery According to the data compiled by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), nearly 4.5 million breast augmentation procedures were performed between 1997 and 2012. At present, breast augmentation ranks as the number one cosmetic surgery procedure in the country. Advance preparation is a vital part of the procedure, and will influence Read more…

Choosing the Best Breast Augmentation Surgeon

Best Breast Augmentation Surgeon Although surgical techniques and technology have dramatically increased the safety profile and success rates in breast augmentation cosmetic surgery, but the skill and expertise of the operating surgeon still remains the most defining factor that will impact the final outcome. Therefore, it is in the patient’s own interest to invest time Read more…

Your Breast Augmentation Consultation

Breast Augmentation  Pre-operative consultation lays down the broad framework for a major cosmetic surgery procedure such as breast augmentation. The patient should be prepared to engage actively during the consultation phase because breast augmentation is a customizable procedure, and the patient’s inputs will help the surgeon to tailor the procedure according to her unique needs. Read more…

Questions to Ask Your Tummy Tuck Plastic Surgeon

Before making a final decision about a major cosmetic surgery procedure such as tummy tuck, the candidate should have a clear idea about various aspects of the surgery as well as the background of the operating surgeon. Well-informed patients are more confident about the procedure and are better place make the right decisions. A committed Read more…

Preparing for Tummy Tuck Surgery

Tummy tuck is one of the popular body contouring cosmetic surgery procedures today in the US. Careful planning and preparation will help to ensure a desirable and healthy outcome and high patient satisfaction levels in this surgery. A salient preparation will also cover the steps that the patient must take during the post-operative recovery phase. Read more…

Your Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) Plastic Surgery Consultation

When an individual is considering tummy tuck cosmetic surgery, and has short-listed a surgical practice, their first step should be to schedule a detailed consultation with the surgeon. The consultation should preferably be scheduled several weeks ahead of the planned date of surgery so that the patient gets adequate time to prepare for it. A Read more…

Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) Risks and Safety

Abdominoplasty, commonly known as tummy tuck, is a major body contouring cosmetic surgery procedure. As long as the procedure is performed by a qualified and experienced surgeon, patients can expect safe and predictable outcomes. However, it is still important for a patient to be aware of the potential risks and safety aspects of tummy tuck Read more…

Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) Plastic Surgery Recovery Time

Tummy tuck, clinically called abdominoplasty, is a major cosmetic surgery procedure involving a considerable recovery period. Patients should follow the surgeon’s post-op care instructions in a committed manner in order to have a safer and faster recovery. The surgeon will explain about all aspects related to tummy tuck, including its estimated recovery, at the time Read more…