Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery) Before and After Photos

Blepharoplasty or eyelid lift is a cosmetic surgery procedure aimed at rejuvenating the upper or lower eyelids or both to create a youthful upper face appearance. During the initial consultation, the surgeon will educate the patient about various aspects of eyelid surgery to help them make an informed choice.

Some surgeons may like to present eyelid surgery before and after photographs during the consultation process. It can help the patient understand the potential effectiveness of the procedure in a better way. Judicious and board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jacob Bloom provides blepharoplasty to patients in Chicago, IL, and other neighborhoods and suburbs in this area of The Land of Lincoln.


What are Eyelid Surgery Before and After Images?   

Before and after images in case eyelid lift plastic surgery refer to the set of pictures of a previous patient who has been through the procedure with a satisfactory outcome. The set includes images taken prior to the procedure and after the procedure at a stage when the post-operative bruising and swelling has been resolved and full effects of the surgery are visible.

The surgeon will take care to obtain the photographs with the patient’s proper consent and present them before new patients in a discreet manner. The patient’s identity may be kept confidential as per the standard protocol. The surgeon’s goal is to utilize these images as a visual tool to explain various aspects of the eyelid surgery to new patients.



A new patient seeking blepharoplasty may be unsure whether to choose upper eyelid surgery, lower eyelid surgery, or a combination of the two. In some cases, the surgeon may additionally recommend brow lift for a more comprehensive outcome.

The surgical technique applied in each case may also vary depending on how much skin and muscle tightening or fat redistribution or removal is involved. In each situation, the patient will be better placed to make decisions when they have access to eyelid surgery before and after photos.


Knowing What to Expect

One of the keys to success in a procedure such as eyelid surgery is to ensure that the patient has realistic expectations from the outcome. If the patient misinterprets the explanations of the plastic surgeon, and forms wrong expectations about the procedure, it can lead to disappointment for the patient later on.

Eyelid surgery ‘before and after’ pictures can help ensure that the patient has a correct understanding of the procedure and realistic expectations from the results. Best satisfied patients are usually the ones who have a very clear understanding of what the surgery can or cannot do for them.


Photos on the Website

The cosmetic surgeon may choose to provide digital versions of blepharoplasty before and after pictures on their practice website but Dr. Bloom would rather a patient see these pictures during the consultation so the process can be explained while that person is viewing the pictures and seeing these stellar and profound results. Anyone who is looking for information about blepharoplasty can easily access the photos online, and gain a better understanding about the procedure even before they are ready to visit the surgeon’s office for a personal consultation.

Profound and hardworking cosmetic surgeon Dr. Bloom receives patients from Chicago, IL, and nearby areas for lower and upper eyelid surgery and various other aesthetic procedures.

During the consultation a patient can see these amazing pictures and make a poignant decision that affects them. No one knows a patient’s situation better than they do. Now a patient can make these amazing and stellar decision during this insightful and cordial consultation.

What has really been helpful to this industry is digital technology. Digital technology has enabled so many patients to make the proper decision. Because the patient is so content with their decision they go into surgery having more cognizance on what to expect which decreases their anxiety. This is better for everyone involved. Schedule your consultation now with Dr. Bloom for an outstanding and successful blepharoplasty session!