How Long Does It Take To Heal After Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Improved surgical techniques and innovative breast implant qualities have made breast augmentation cosmetic surgery procedure less invasive and less painful over the years. However, the procedure still involves a significant recovery process to ensure a sustainable and desirable final outcome. The surgeon’s recovery instructions should be carefully followed by the patient for best results.

Dr. Jacob Bloom is a board certified plastic surgeon providing breast augmentation and various other surgical and non-surgical aesthetic procedures. Dr. Bloom and his team will be accessible to the patient throughout the recovery process and help address any concerns that may arise. Dr. Bloom provides breast augmentation to patients in Chicago, IL and surrounding locations.


Estimated Downtime

The patient should be prepared for a downtime of about one week after breast augmentation plastic surgery. She should take adequate rest in the first two to three days, but take short walks at home and perform light movements to maintain the blood flow. Care should be taken to avoid any extra strain in the incision areas.

Downtime is much reduced if the implant placement is done subglandularly, but a submuscular implant placement will require a few more days to recover. In any case, most patients are able to return to their regular routine or go back to work in about 10 to 14 days after breast augmentation. Heavy lifting of weights, bending and performing vigorous exercises should be avoided for about four weeks.


Surgical Bra

The patient will be required to wear a special surgical bra, particularly if she has received a submuscular implant placement. The bra should be worn at all times except when taking a bath. Patients who undergo a subglandular implant placement may only require a normal bra without underwire because the incisions will be smaller in this case.

A wrap-style bandage or surgical bra during recovery will help to harmonize the implant with the breast tissue and muscle. Patients can use this bra until the healing is over so that the breasts can acquire their full new shape and regain firmness. Accomplished cosmetic surgeon Dr. Bloom receives patients from Chicago, IL and nearby areas for breast augmentation.


No Smoking

Smoking and post-surgical healing do not go together. The nicotine in the tobacco may lead to the shrinking of blood vessels, resulting in reduced oxygen levels in the blood. This can hamper the function of RBCs, slowing down the recovery and increasing the risk of complications.


Prescription Pain Medications

For the first three to five days following breast augmentation, the patient may take pain meds as prescribed by the surgeon. This will provide relief against the initial pain and soreness in the breast area. Driving should be avoided during the time when the patient is on pain meds.


Follow-up Visits

The patient may have to visit the surgeon’s office a day after the procedure to have the bandages replaced with a surgical bra. But some surgeons may only call the patient for a first follow-up appointment at the end of first week. Drain tubes and sutures may be removed during this appointment.