Facelift Plastic Surgery Recovery

Facelift Plastic Surgery Recovery | Chicago, IllinoisFacelift surgery involves the delicate anatomy of the face. Therefore, the operating surgeon must ensure that the facial harmony and balance remain intact after this surgery.

During the procedure, the surgeon will lift the skin of the face and tighten weakened muscles and tissue underneath the skin and excise excess skin. The recovery process is a vital part of the facelift cosmetic surgery.

The recovery phase may vary among patients depending on the level of correction performed, the technique used, and the patient’s inherent healing abilities. At the time of pre-op consultation, the surgeon will inform the patient about various aspects of the recovery period.

Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jacob Bloom provides facelift to patients in Chicago, IL, and surrounding communities.


Primary Factors in Facelift Recovery

Apart from the physical recovery, the recovery aspect in facelift surgery involves some other factors as well. These factors include emotional recovery, social recovery, and natural skin sensation recovery.

Facelift surgery affects the patient’s facial identity and integrity. For this reason, the social and emotional aspects of the recovery are almost as crucial as the physical recovery. The recovery period typically varies between two and three weeks.

The surgeon will take out the drain tubes and sutures in around seven to ten days. The patient will be able to resume their normal routine after that. But if the patient wants the surgery to remain discreet, they may have to remain at home for at least two weeks.

During this period, the signs of the plastic surgery will subside.  There will be some residual swelling even after two weeks. But the patient can use makeup to hide this inflammation.

After the initial week, the bruising will quickly dissipate. Patients with thinner faces are at an advantage as the slight swelling will appear only as subtle facial fullness making it less apparent.

By week three, the treated areas of the face will significantly improve and mature. A majority of patients will experience numbness around the ears. But this numbness usually resolves by itself in a few weeks.

The areas that support the sutures will feel a bit taut but will not be visible to others. The surgeon will provide the patient with detailed post-operative instructions. The patient, on their part, should follow these guidelines in a committed manner for a quick and safe recovery.


Full Recovery

The patient should visit the surgeon for their scheduled follow-up consultations in the weeks and months after their facelift surgery. In addition, they should carefully monitor their progress and reach out to the surgeon if they experience any symptoms of post-operative complications.

The final results of the facelift may become apparent in many months. But as the patient heals and the swelling subsides, the patient will begin to experience a more youthful and rejuvenated facial appearance.


Driving Tips

In the first week after the facelift, the patient should avoid driving as the mild lower neck and face stiffness may lead to pain while moving the head. No one wants to be in an accident and no one wants to certainly cause an accident. That will take a joy out of everything in this process.

In addition, no one should be driving if they are on too many drugs, pain drugs for instance, as well.


Social Tips

Socially active patients will have to decide when they want to resume their social engagements as the noticeable signs of surgery will take at least two weeks to subside.

The patient may use makeup or change their hairstyle slightly to camouflage the visible signs of the facelift. Cosmetic surgeon Dr. Jacob Bloom receives patients from Chicago, IL, and nearby areas for a facelift.